Posted in blogging, Everyday Inspiration, life, muse, Uncategorized, writing

We touch each other’s lives

I’ve touched someone’s life with my writing. Someone has read it and been affected. They may have laughed, or cried. Maybe my words have angered them! They have agreed or disagreed with what I’ve said, but no matter what, the fact still remains, ‘I have touched someone’s life.’

It is an irrefutable fact that someone’s life will be changed forever, just by reading my words. No longer will they think in exactly the same way as before they read my words. As has my own life been changed, irrevocably, by all that I have read! After examining someone else’s words, whether it is in an essay, newspaper article, book, poem, I will have begun to think differently. To question what I already know, and didn’t know. Whether it be fact or fiction, I now know something more than before I read your words. My life has been changed. For better, for worse, who can say? But a change has taken place!

I have a friend who has remarked on several occasions that her words ‘dance’ for her. Mine ‘sing’ to me. We have something special inside each of us, clamoring to get out. Some can express themselves eloquently, while others do so in a crude manner, but nevertheless, no matter what form, it reaches us, ALL words have the POWER to change us, CONSTANTLY!

Words bring pictures to your mind! It doesn’t matter who you are, if you read a sentence or a paragraph, there is something in those words that paints a picture for some, and in others they will sing a song.

To give you an example: Moonlight danced across the waves, reflecting the stars that shone brightly in the night sky!

A fairly simple sentence, and obviously, this will bring to mind an immediate visual picture for everyone. But stop and think, how does it sound? Where could you possibly be while viewing such a sight? What could be happening when you view such a scene? Who are you with? What are you doing? What are you talking about? One thought that comes to my mind with this string of words is being on a sailboat, flying through the night on the way to a warm tropical island. The wind sings in the rigging, the phosphorescent green waves slapping against the bow. A flag flying high from the masthead flaps in the breeze and the sails billow out in the wind, sometimes blocking the moon that glows in a velvety black night with a sprinkling of diamond bright stars in the ebony sky.

Another thought that comes to my mind with this same sentence could describe to me standing on the shore, ‘wind-swept foam sweeping up into the sky from a gale-force wind and droplets splattering in my face; patches of clouds driving across the moon, the pounding of the surf on the rocks with a vibration that you can feel deep in your bones, straight to your heart. A wild and beautiful sight!

And yet a third scene comes to mind. A quiet forest glade, crickets chirping in a hollow log, echoing through the stillness of the night; a bull-frog croaking his love song to his mate; the rush of feathery wings of the grey owl as he silently glides down to catch squirrel who is unaware he is being hunted; a sudden death cry when predator succeeds in securing its prey.

The list is endless and everyone can write a different version with that one sentence. Words dance AND sing for ALL! It matters not who you are, or what you do. This is FACT. Never again will you view the written word with the same eye as you did before reading ‘these words’. I’ve touched your life today, and I’ve given you something to think about, mull over and challenge. You can agree or disagree, but this is food for thought and you HAVE been changed!


I've just started blogging with a purpose. I'm new to this stuff and not quite sure if I'm doing it right. Please bare with me while I learn.

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